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Land Deals • Close Sales • Make Bank • With Our 6-Week Sales Intensive

Jewel Business Sales School

With Eleanor Beaton, Founder and CEO

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When you know how to consistently close sales, you master the art of generating money on demand.

Once you acquire the skills to generate money on demand, you can attain a level of freedom that few individuals get to experience. 

This freedom will deepen your self-confidence and boost your self-image, which fills your coffers and attracts even more opportunity. Unfortunately, many women entrepreneurs lack these skills and will never know this kind of independence. 

When you lack sales skills, you are highly vulnerable to:

Cash Flow Shortages



Job Seeking


When you lack sales skills, the things you “think” are a problem... are actually not the problem at all.

For example, you may think your company is suffering from “low leads”, “poor messaging”, and “bad marketing,” but these so-called problems are often just covering up the fact that:

You don’t have the sales skills you need.

You may tell yourself you can simply “hire out the sales function,” but when a leader doesn’t know how to sell…

A company cannot sustainably grow.

You need the sales skills required to bring your big vision to life.  That’s where the Jewel Business Sales School comes in. Our hands-on, deeply practical sales intensive will teach you how to:

  • Hold high converting 1:1 sales conversations that lead to closed sales
  • Hold high converting business development meetings that lead to proposals

Our simple curriculum, supportive community, and rock solid accountability mean that you will not only learn but master these skills in 6 weeks…

In the process, you will completely transform your economic future.

When you know how to hold a high converting sales conversation, when you know exactly what to say (and how to say it!), when you can make a clear, confident, authentic offer…

The world simply can’t keep you down. 

Give yourself the ultimate survival skill…

The ability to generate cash on demand.

If you would like to know more about the Jewel Business Sales School, click the button below to request details including:

  • What you will learn
  • How much it costs
  • What is included
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Please know that our sales methodology is authentic, elegant, transparent, and highly effective. We equip you with both hard-core practical skills and the inner work required to become a woman capable of generating cash on demand.